Developer Happiness and why it matters

Room 1
15:00 - 16:00

Talk (60 min)

Do you know what makes developers happy? More importantly, does it really matter? Developer happiness and productivity are intimately linked, but it takes more than the occasional pizza lunch to make developers happy.
Continuous Delivery
Soft Skills

Let's look at how we can improve developer lives and why we should. Whether you're an engineer yourself, manage a team, or run a company, come and learn how to reduce friction, make developers happier, more productive, and more likely to stay in their current jobs.

Damian Brady

Damian is part of Developer Advocacy team at GitHub and loves all things DevOps.

Formerly a Cloud Advocate at Microsoft for 4 years, and prior to that a dev at Octopus Deploy ( and a Microsoft MVP, Damian has a 20+ year background in software development and consulting in a broad range of industries.
Damian regularly speak sat conferences, User Groups, and other events around the world.

Most of the time you'll find Damian talking to developers, IT Pros, and data scientists to help them get the most out of their DevOps and MLOps strategies.