Lightning Talks 2

Room 4
11:40 - 12:40

Talk (60 min)

Lightning talks (approx 10-15 minutes each)
Soft Skills

Talk 1: A11y Broke My Build - Kristoffer Nordström
Accessibility is often an afterthought, something done manual and late in the development cycle. But I made accessibility break my build and now I will help you break yours! Time to shift accessibility left, add automatic testing that can run in all development steps, catch errors and make the feedback loop as short as possible.
This is not your average dry accessibility talk with long WCAG check lists, but will use lots of humor and live coding to get the audience engaged and get the value out of using accessibility tooling.

Talk 2: Test-Driven Leadership: Crafting Testable Strategies - Andrew Murphy
In the realm of software development, Test-Driven Development (TDD) has long been hailed for its ability to ensure robust, error-free code. This session endeavours to transpose the principles of TDD into the leadership domain, introducing a novel approach dubbed as "Test-Driven Leadership."

Talk 3: Harnessing AI for Malevolence: A Hackers Tale - Mackenzie Jackson
This talk is for anyone who wants to see how a malicious actor can harness the power of AI for nefarious purposes, live and in action. Leveraging demos, we show how we can turn helpful AI assistants into evil agents of chaos, and turn AI hallucinations into malware advertisements. And even show how a complete novice can use an AI model can hack a vulnerable network entirely.

Talk 4: Unix shell - We can do better now - Ilya Sher
Unix shell is powerful but it's stuck in the telegraph style communication paradigm. We can do better now. Actually, we could do better since the 70s. This talk is about how we got here, what's wrong, and how to fix it.

Talk 5: Command Line Craftsmanship: Building and Sharing .NET CLI Tools - Roland Bodenstaff
In a world focused on flashy visuals the humble CLI tool is often overlooked. But have you ever thought to yourself: "What was that website again to convert X to Y?" or "I want to automate this boring workflow, but I don't want to write a full-blown application for it". Well, a CLI tool might be the answer to your problem. In this session, I will show you how to build a CLI tool in .NET with the following topics:

- What makes a good CLI tool?
- Spectre (library that makes it easier to create beautiful console applications)
- Command option semantics
- Help documentation support

After that we will look at how to publish it to NuGet so no matter where or who you are you can easily install it. By the end of the session you will have a good understanding of how to build and distribute your own CLI tool.

Kristoffer Nordström

Kristoffer has a big heart for humanity & inclusion. He has been working with GUIs since the 1990s, a "Nordic citizen" from Sweden with Finnish roots living in Oslo Norway. Previous Head of Front End at the Norwegian Red Cross and currently working as a Consultant at Variant building education systems of the future for Sikt.

Andrew Murphy

Andrew Murphy started his career as a Software Engineer but, after a decade in technology leadership, he decided to focus on teaching the skills that he learnt the hard way. When he moved into leadership there was no support, so he had to make all the mistakes (a lot of them!) and learn from them.

His goal is now to make sure that tech leaders don’t have to do things the hard way by providing them with the mindsets and skillsets that can make them happy, confident and effective leaders.

His company, Tech Leaders Launchpad, currently focuses specifically on the new and emerging leader space, as that's the place we can have the biggest impact on the students, and the industry.

Mackenzie Jackson

Mackenzie is a developer advocate with a passion for DevOps and code security. As the co-founder and former CTO of a health tech startup, he learnt first-hand how critical it is to build secure applications with robust developer operations.

Today as the Developer Advocate at Aikido Security, Mackenzie is able to share his passion for code security with developers and works closely with research teams to show how malicious actors discover and exploit vulnerabilities in code.

Ilya Sher

Ilya has over 20 years of experience in IT as operations and programmer and has been an AWS user for over 10 years, helping multiple customers to use it. He is currently leading the change from CloudFormation to CDK at his work. Dissatisfied with the subpar experience using bash and Python, since 2013 Ilya works on his own shell: Next Generation Shell.

Roland Bodenstaff

As a developer with a deep passion for the Microsoft Azure & 365 platform, I thrive on building end-to-end applications that not only speed up everyday work but also puts a smile on the user. My greatest fulfilment comes from creating intuitive software that transforms how people accomplish their tasks – making them faster and happier.

My approach as a pragmatic software developer focuses on the careful and thoughtful adoption of new technologies. I believe in using innovation where it makes the most sense, always aiming to develop solutions that directly address real-world problems. My philosophy is simple: find a solution for a problem, not the other way around.

Enhancing Developer Experience (DE) is a crucial element of my work ethic. I firmly believe that creating a positive and productive environment for developers leads to better software and, ultimately, a superior user experience. By focusing on DE, I aim to not only improve the efficiency and enjoyment of the development process but also to boost innovation and creativity in the solutions we build.

Through my sessions, I aim to empower attendees by demystifying new technologies and demonstrating their practical applications in everyday work scenarios. My objective is to simplify complex concepts and show how technology can be a powerful tool in improving everyone's day-to-day life.